11 February 2023

Kapiti Island and Orca

Kapiti Island Nature Tours - Half Day Trip to Waiorua

Kapiti Island is one of New Zealand's oldest and most important nature reserves, and a place rich in human history. (https://www.kapitiisland.com/)

This magical day on Kapiti Island also included a suprise visit from a pod of orca!!

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

Adult and juvenile saddleback/tīeke



North Island robin/toutouwai

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

North Island robin/toutouwai

North Island robin/toutouwai

Juvenile saddleback/tīeke

Juvenile saddleback/tīeke

Juvenile saddleback/tīeke

Juvenile saddleback/tīeke

New Zealand red crowned parakeet/kākāriki

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

Juvenile New Zealand Fantail - Piwakawaka

The kākā - one of New Zealand's native parrots

Whitehead/pōpokotea doing the splits!! - there were lots of these
active little birds, but I ran out of time to get better photos