Study 1
Competitive Education and Prizes in Schools: A Study of Factors Influencing Students’ Experiences of High School Award Systems
While my kids were in High School, I began to notice the effects of senior achievement awards on students. Some were getting prizes but didn't want them (because of the attention) and stopped working as hard in order to avoid winning, and some never got any awards which caused them to feel useless. I saw friendships end when both students went for the same award (and only one could win), some students avoided subjects they really wanted to have a go at because they needed to take subjects they would excel in, and there were always lots of bored kids at prizegiving. All of these scenario's, I believe, defeat the purpose of education, and they all affect the wellbeing of our young people. I wanted to know whether individual achievement awards positively affect our children's learning and, if so, what role does it play. Here, I surveyed 56 school leavers to find out what they thought.